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【Artificial Intelligence(AI): Success Stories and Market Trends 】Forum
【活動時間】:2016/09/02,18:30 ~ 21:00
【報名期間】:2016/07/20,10:00 ~ 2016/08/22,10:00
【報名費】:NT$ 1,500 元整

參加費用: $1,500元 ; 本會會員優惠價$1,200元 ; 7/31前報名者優惠價$1,000元.


Artificial Intelligence: Success Stories and Market Trends


Friday, September 2, 2016, 18:30 – 21:00


Caesar Park Hotel 4F / 台北凱撒大飯店4F 上海廳

38, Chung Hsiao W. Rd., Sec. 1,Taipei / 台北市忠孝西路一段38號


Charles Kuai

Corporate Vice President & President of Greater China, Nuance Communications


Member: NT$1,200    Non-member:  NT$1,500

7/31 Early Bird : NT$1,000

Asia Pacific Industrial Analysis Association(APIAA) and Chung Hua Financial R&D Association (CHFDA) will host a Banquet on September 2nd, featuring Charles Kuai, a 25-year Internet, Communications, and Technology global executive who has built businesses and led successful organizations in both private and publically listed companies in the USA, Europe, and Asia-Pacific.

Mr. Kuai will talk about current and near-future market trends in Artificial Intelligence (AI), and how AI will change the way we live our digital, Internet, and technology life. He will also share recent success stories of AI products and services launched in the Greater China region. 


18:20– 18:30

Registration /Check-in

18:30 19:30

Dinner Banquet


19:30 19:40

Opening ceremony

Mr. Cheng-Mount Cheng鄭貞茂理事長

(Chairman of Asia Pacific Industrial Analysis Association)

19:40 20:30

Artificial Intelligence: Success Stories and Market Trends

Charles Kuai

(Corporate Vice President & President of Greater China,

Nuance Communications)

20:30 20:45


Chairman and Speakers

20:45 21:00

Closing Ceremony

About the Speaker

Charles Kuai

Corporate Vice President, and President of Greater China, Nuance Communications

Charles Kuai is the Corporate Vice President & President of Greater China for Nuance Communications, a US multi-billion dollar public listed company and global leader in Artificial Intelligence (speech/ voice, text, natural-language understanding, biometrics & security, reasoning, context processing, and virtual assistant).


Most recently, Mr. Kuai was the CEO and President of Ubee-AirWalk, a fast-growing global Wireless Networking company. Mr. Kuai has also held many senior executive roles including SVP & GM at Asia, ADB Holdings and General Manager Wireless at Nortel, Greater China. He has also served over a decade as an executive with AT&T where he led the engineering and technology practice globally for its mobile businesses.   


Mr. Kuai completed his MBA and graduated with distinction from Northwestern University, Kellogg School of Management.  He also holds a dual Bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from Southern Methodist University.


Overall English speech , welcomed the related issues of interest of experts , scholars and researchers to join the festivities . A rare opportunity , please grasp ! 

lCONTACT:  Michelle Chen    T: (02) 2361-8023         E: service@apiaa.org.tw

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